Sasha, really hates having her own room.
She doesn't like being alone at night.
Now she and Hudson are roomates.
Infact, they'll probably be roomates until Sasha decides that she needs her privacy.
(When does that start for girls?)
I love Sasha's room!
I love her paint and her chandelier.
And her quilt is so vintage classic.
(I didn't make it by the way. I saw it. had to have it. the end.)
BUT....I believe everyone should have a space that's theirs.
This room certainly doesn't welcome any boys.
So, I'm considering a re-do.
Here's where you come in.
I need your advice.
I have lots and lots of readers but very few comments.
So speak up!
Do I save all of these things until she's has her own room again?
How long will that take?
Or do I sell it all? The chandelier?
I love the chandelier.
Actually, I love it all.
But I hate hoarding things because of "maybe."
Please advise...